Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

Alamat Media Cetak Dan Cara mengirim tulisan

Media Nasional:
1. Republika:
Redaksi : redaksi@republika.co.id
Sekretariat Redaksi : sekretariat@republika.co.id
Webmaster ROL : webmaster@republika.co.id
2. Kompas:
(1) opini@kompas.com
(2) opini@kompas.co.id
3. Media Indonesia
4. Suara Pembaruan
5. Sinar Harapan
6. Harian Pelita
7. Jawa Pos
(1) editor@jawapos.com
(2) editor@jawapos.co.id
8. Suara Karya
9. Koran Tempo
10. Majalah Tempo
Media Daerah Sumatera
1. Waspada (Medan)
(1) redaksi@waspada.co.id
(2) waspada@waspada.co.id
2. SIB – Suara Indonesia Baru (Medan)
3. Batam Pos
4. Serambi Indonesia (Aceh)
(1) redaksi@serambinews.com
(2) serambi_indonesia@yahoo.com
5. Sriwijaya Post (Palembang)
(1) sripo@persda.co.id
(2) sripo@mdp.net.id
Media Daerah Jawa
1. Pikiran Rakyat (Jawa Barat)
(1) beritapr@yahoo.com
(2) berita@pikiran-rakyat.com
(3) redaksi@pikiran-rakyat.com
(4) info@pikiran-rakyat.com
2. Suara Merdeka (Jawa Tengah)
3. Kedaulatan Rakyat (Yogyakarta)
4. Koran Bernas (Yogyakarta)
5. Harian Surya (Jawa Timur)
6. Harian Duta Masyarakat (Jawa Timur)
7. Surabaya Post (Jawa Timur)
(1) redaksi@surabayapost.info
(2) admin@surabayapost.info
Media Daerah Bali
1. Bali Post
(1) balipost@indo.net.id
(2) Media Daerah Kalimantan
1. Banjarmasin Post
(1) banjarmasin_post@persda.co.id
(2) bpostmania@telkom.net
2. Pontianak Pos
(1) redaksi@pontianakpos.co.id
Media Daerah Sulawesi
(1) Harian Fajar (Makassar)
(2) fajar@fajar.co.id
Jadi, setelah Anda selesai menulis di MS WORD sebanyak 700 – 1000 kata, maka kirimkan ke media yg dituju melalui email mereka. Sekali lagi, artikel dikirim via attachment. Dan jangan lupa tulis di subject email
sbb: “Artikel Opini: ” [judul tulisan anda di sini…]
Langkah pertama, cobalah menulis ke koran, bukan majalah. Karena kolom di majalah biasanya pesanan dari redaksi; biasanya diisi penulis yg sudah beken seperti Rizqon Khamami.
1. Email redaksi sejumlah harian/koran Indonesia di atas adalah email media cetak. Sedangkan email media online seperti detik.com, dll tidak termasuk di sini.
2. Perlu diketahui bahwa tulisan kita yang dimuat di media cetak, akan otomatis dimuat di website mereka masing-masing. Artinya, kalau tulisan kita tampil di website koran bersangkutan berarti dimuat di media cetaknya. Memang koran seperti Waspada (Medan) dan Riau Pos (Riau) pernah memiliki dua edisi online dan offline (cetak), tapi sekarang sudah tidak lagi. Ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan Rahmatsyah Rangkuti yang agak bingung soal ini.
3. Jangan pernah mengirim satu tulisan pada dua koran nasional atau dua koran yang satu daerah dalam waktu bersamaan. Karena kalau sama-sama dimuat di kedua koran tsb. kita akan mendapat sangsi berupa tulisan kita tidak akan lagi dimuat di keduanya. Akan tetapi, kalau dikirim pada dua koran yang lain segmennya, seperti ke koran nasional dan koran daerah itu tidak apa-apa walaupun seandainya sama-sama dimuat.
4. Kalau Anda memiliki alamat email media cetak yang belum saya sebut atau alamat email dari saya salah, silahkan tulis di kotak komentar di bawah untuk melengkapi dan mengoreksi.
(dari berbagai sumber)
Kiat mengirim tulisan
Barangsiapa yang ingin mengirim tulisan ke koran, maka maka ikutilah kiat-kiat ini:
1. Kirim ke media lewat email dalam bentuk MS Words Rich Text Format (rtf) dengan attachment.
2. Isi surat mailnya:
Redaksi Yth,
Ini saya kirimkan satu artikel opini (di attachment), mohon pemberitahuannya apabila dimuat atau tidak dimuat.
3. Pada subject email tulis: “Artikel Opini: ” [..judul tulisan anda di sini…]
4. Panjang tulisan antara 700 kata (4500 karakter). Untuk menghitungnya, lihat di MS Word -klik> tools -klik> wordcount -> akan ada jumlah kata (words) halaman (page) dan huruf (characters), kira-kira 2 halaman kuarto (tidak penuh) dengan huruf 12.
5. Biarkan tulisan anda pada takdirnya, diterbitkan atau tidak diterbitkan, tugas Anda kirim tulisan tiap minggu, paling kurang satu.
6. Dalam dua minggu tidak ada kabar mail, maka artinya tulisan anda tidak lolos seleksi, perbaiki tulisan itu dan kirim ke media lain.
7. Diterbitkan atau tidak diterbitkan, anda dapat periksa di di website koran bersangkutan. Tetapi tidak semua koran di Indonesia begitu di Indonesia, demikian juga di Padang.
8. Sebaiknya untuk pemula, kirimlah ke koran di kota Anda, sebab lebih mudah untuk diketahui apakah tulisan Anda diterbitkan atau tidak.
9. Banyak koran di Indonesia tidak memberitahu penulisnya, apakah tulisannya akan diterbitkan atau tidak. Memang ada beberapa koran besar yang memberitahu; kalau tulisan tersebut ditolak.
Alamat email2 media cetak sebagai berikut:
1. Kompas
(1) opini@kompas.com
(2) opini@kompas.co.id
2. Republika
(1) redaksi@republika.co.id
(2) sekretariat@republika.co.id
3. Media Indonesia
4. Suara Pembaruan
(1) koransp@suarapembaruan.com
(2) opinisp@suarapembaruan.com
5. Sinar Harapan
(1) redaksi@sinarharapan.co.id
(2) info@sinarharapan.co.id
6. Harian Pelita
7. Suara Karya
8. Koran Tempo
9. Seputar Indonesia
(1) redaksi@seputar-indonesia.com
(2) marcomm@seputar-indonesia.com
(1) hariansinggalang@yahoo.co.id
1. Singgalang (Padang)
(2) kj_sgl@yahoo.com
2. Haluan (Padang)
(1) harian_haluan@yahoo.com.sg
3. Padang Ekspres (Padang)
(2) redaksi@padangekspres.co.id
(1) stres_tb@yahoo.com
4. Riau Pos (Pekanbaru)
(1) redaksi@riaupos.co.id
(1) budaya_ripos@yahoo.com
5. Waspada (Medan)
(1) redaksi@waspada.co.id
(2) waspada@waspada.co.id
6. Suara Indonesia Baru (Medan)
7. Batam Pos
8. Sriwijaya Post (Palembang)
(1) sripo@persda.co.id
(2) sripo@mdp.net.id
1. Pikiran Rakyat (Jawa Barat)
(1) redaksi@pikiran-rakyat.com
(2) info@pikiran-rakyat.com
2. Suara Merdeka (Jawa Tengah)
(1) redaksi@suaramerdeka.info
(2) naskah@suaramerdeka.info
3. Kedaulatan Rakyat (Yogyakarta)
4. Koran Bernas (Yogyakarta)
5. Harian Surya (Jawa Timur)
6. Duta Masyarakat (Jawa Timur)
7. Surabaya Post (Jawa Timur)
8. Radar Malang (Malang)
9. Solopos (Solo)
10. Jawa Pos (Surabaya)
(1) editor@jawapos.com
(2) editor@jawapos.co.id
1. Bali Post (Denpasar)
1. Banjarmasin Post (Banjarmasin)
2. Pontianak Pos (Pontianak)
1.Harian Fajar (Makassar)
Luar Negeri
Globe and Mail
comment@globeandmai l.com
Fax: 416.585.5085
Tel: 416.585.5528
National Post
jkay@nationalpost. com
Fax: 416.442.2209
Tel: 416.383.2300
Vancouver Sun
sunopinion@png. canwest.com
Fax: 604.605.2522
Tel: 604.605.2184
Georgia Straight
contact@straight. com
Fax: 604.730.7010
Tel: 604.730.7000
editor@thetyee. ca
Tel: 604.689.7489
New York Times
oped@nytimes. com
Fax: 212.556.4100
Tel: 212.556.1831
The Washington Post
oped@washpost. com
Fax: 202.334.5269
Tel: 202.334.7471
Los Angeles Times
op-ed@latimes. com
Fax: 213.237.7968
Tel: 213.237.2121
San Francisco Chronicle
forum@sfchronicle. com
Fax: 415.543.7708
Tel: 415.777.1111
San Jose Mercury Times
opinions@mercurynew s.com
Fax: 408.271.3792
Tel: 408.920.5235
Seattle Times
opinion@seattletime s.com
Fax: 206.382.6760
Tel: 206.464.2132
oped@news.oregonian .com
Fax: 503.294.4193
Tel: 503.221.8389
South China Morning Post
luisa.tam@scmp. com
Fax: 852.2516.7478
Tel: 852.2565.2222
Straits Times (Singapore)
stforum@sph. com.sg
Fax: 65.6319.8289
Tel: 65.6319.5397
Daily Telegraph (UK)
dtletters@telegraph .co.uk
Sunday Telegraph (UK)
stletters@telegraph .co.uk
Guardian (UK)
letters@guardian. co.uk
comment.is.free@ guardian. co.uk

Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Fall in Love can Makes Our Life Keep Healty

Based on the results of research in various parts of the world, prove that they who have a partner is proved to have a better health condition than you were single. So it is not wrong if you think love can make a person's survival. how can it be? Well this is the reason for you to fall in love:

"Love" Who doesn't want to feel the in this world? everyone would need something called "love". s the proverb says, that 'falling in love feels immense' beside it, it has a lot of benefit. This is one of a reason why you should fall in love.

Love Makes Us Protected From Stress

Believe it or not, in a relationship with someone can help you to reduce the stress, In an intimate relationship, the adrenal glands in the human body will produce a hormone called dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA that can reduce your stress levels. For you who are undergoing in a relationship filled with love, the psychological tension that you feels will be reduce and the support of people who love you will give you more strength to face of stress things.

Cope the Cancer

University of Iowa found that married couples will have a lower risk of cancer than those who are single. Even if they are suffering from cancer, but they who are in a happy relationship with his partner, could produce more white blood cells that protect  to against cancer cells.

Live Longer

Based on research in 2004, stated that the death rate on married couples are lower than single men or women. This is because the level of stress on married couples and have a healthy relationship is low. commonly the couple who decide to get married will also reduce their bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, staying up late, and so on.

The Skin Looks Brighter

As has been said, that love is able to reduce the level of stress. Well, if you are currently undergoing in a true love relationship without realize it, it can also make your skin become brighter. So, How can it be? Because the amount of cortisol in times of stress, which stimulates the appearance of acne, as well as when you decrease stress levels, so it will make your skin become smoother.

Positive Mindset

A study at Rutgers University proves that when you look at a photo of someone you love will increase dopamine activity in the brain. Dopamine is often associated with optimism, energy, and positive feelings.
Falling in love and healthy relationship turned out to have many benefits isn't it?. Surely by having love, everyone will be happier. So who doesn't want to fall in love? of course everyone want it, so don't be afraid to fall in love, makes your day more happy with LOVE :D

Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

How to decrease GALAU?

ok guys.. 
today i'm gonna give some tips about " how to decrease GALAU"
you know, in this modern eras "GALAU" is one of trending topic in a circle of teenager, especially in Indonesia, actually i'm not really understand about the meaning of  "GALAU" but why every people said that they are "GALAU", my friends told me that galau is like an emotion, to show that you are broken hearth, uumm.. so, Galu it's like synonym of BROKEN HEART? yeah, galau is a synonym of broken heart.
now, i have some tips for you to decrease galau..
first, forget him/her, sometimes that's little bit difficult, but just try it!. second, delete all of his/her picture from your mobile phone or your computer, i know some of you can't to do that because you have already spend a beautiful day with him/her, but trust me! just do it! it will help you to forget him/her quickly :). third, make yourself busy! spend your time with many activities that can make you busy, and too busy to remember him/her. fourth, when you are alone in your bedroom automatically you will remember him/her, but i advise you for listen a music when you are alone, it's better to make your brain more relax. fifth, spend your day with your best friend, like hang out with them for shopping or doing some activities like playing games or vacation, it's fun.. and the last is don't try to remember your memories with him/her! because it will hurt you, and you don't need to pay attention to it, if you do my suggestion it will help you to forget him/her fast.. may be it will difficult on first time, but after two week passing, easily you will forget him/her.. 
so that's all my tips for you, i hope my tips are useful for you..
remember guys, your life are not stop till here, you still have a bright future, so don't to be weak because broken heart :D

Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Sugar not only makes you fat, it may be killing you.

Consuming too much added sugar — in regular soda, cakes, cookies and candy — increases your risk of death from heart disease, according to a new study, the largest of its type.

"The risk of cardiovascular disease death increases exponentially as you increase your consumption of added sugar," says the study's lead author, Quanhe Yang, a senior scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On average, adults in the USA in 2010 consumed about 15% of their daily calories — about 300 calories a day, based on a 2,000-calorie diet — from added sugars. That's far more than the American Heart Association's recommendation that women consume no more than 100 calories a day from added sugars, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar; and men consume no more than 150 calories a day, or about 9 teaspoons. The World Health Organization recommends consuming less than 10% of calories from added sugars.

One can of regular soda contains about 140 calories of added sugar. That's about 7% of the daily calories of someone eating 2,000 calories a day, Yang says.

Added sugars include table sugar, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, molasses and other caloric sweeteners in prepared and processed foods and beverages. It does not include sugars that occur naturally in fruits, fruit juice, and milk and dairy products.

Major sources of added sugars in Americans' diets are sugar-sweetened beverages, desserts, fruit drinks, dairy desserts (ice cream) and candy, Yang says.

Other research has tied a high intake of added sugars, especially sugar-sweetened beverages, to many poor health conditions, including obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Most of those studies focused on sugar-sweetened beverages and not total intake of sugar, Yang says. "Ours is the first study using a nationally representative sample to look at the total amount of added sugar and the association to cardiovascular disease death."

To look at trends in added-sugar intake, Yang and colleagues reviewed data from more than 31,000 people over the years who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which evaluates dietary habits based on in-person interviews. They found that most adults (71%) consume 10% or more of their daily calories from added sugars. About 10% of adults consume 25% or more of daily calories from added sugars.

The researchers also looked at data of deaths from heart disease (heart attacks, stroke, heart failure, hypertension), and they compared added-sugar intake to death from heart disease. They controlled their results for a wide range of heart-disease risk factors, including high blood pressure, total cholesterol, smoking, physical activity, diet and weight.

Among their findings, published online Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine:

• People who consumed more than 21% of daily calories from added sugar had double the risk of death from heart disease as those who consumed less than 10% of calories from added sugars.

A person on a 2,000-calorie diet who consumes 21% of their daily calories from added sugar would be eating 420 calories from added sugar, which would be roughly three cans of regular soda a day.

• People who consumed between 17% to 21% of daily calories from added sugar had a 38% higher risk of death from heart disease than people who consumed less than 10% of calories from added sugars.

• People who consumed seven or more servings a week of sugar-sweetened beverages were at a 29% higher risk of death from heart disease than those who consumed one serving or less.

• The findings were consistent across age groups, sex, physical-activity levels, weights and dietary habits.

• Added sugar intake has changed slightly over the past 20 years, from 16% of daily calories in 1994 to 17% in 2004 to 15% in 2010.

The paper's senior author Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, says excessive intake of added sugar appears to negatively affect health in several ways. It has been linked to the development of high blood pressure, increased triglycerides (blood fats), low HDL (good) cholesterol, fatty liver problems, as well as making insulin less effective in lowering blood sugar.

Rachel Johnson, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association and a nutrition professor at the University of Vermont, says, "Now we know that too much added sugar doesn't just make us fat, it increases our risk of death from heart disease."

Johnson says people need to cut back on added sugars. "I continue to be amazed at the added sugars that Americans are consuming. Added sugars do one of two things — they either displace nutritious foods in the diet or add empty calories."

In an accompanying editorial in the medical journal, Laura Schmidt of the University of California-San Francisco writes that the study "underscores the likelihood that, at levels of consumption common among Americans, added sugar is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease mortality above and beyond its role as empty calories leading to weight gain and obesity."