Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

korean scolarship

  • 2013 Korean Government Scholarship Program (Graduate)

    Korean government invites 760 international students from 149 countries who wish to pursue a graduate (Masters and Doctoral) degree in Korea.
    To be selected as a KGSP grantee, any applicant should successfully pass through the 1st selection process set by the Korean embassies (please see the attached file) or designated Korean Universities (60 only) of his or her origin.
    So to apply for the program, please contact the 1st selection organizations to get detailed information on the 1st selection process such as application deadline and required documents, etc.
    Application deadlines may differ from one country to another; it will be expected until the end of March or early April.
    As for the application guideline, please refer to the attached file.
    Wish you all good luck!

    For the application guideline, please refer to the attach files
    2013 KGSP University Information – English (pdf)
    2013 KGSP Graduate Program Guideline – English (doc) [formulir yang diisi ada di halaman 11-21]

    Indonesia’s Contact Information of the 1st Selection Institutions
    Tel: 62-21-2992-2500
    Fax: 62-21-2992-3131
    Email : koremb_in@mofat.go.kr
    Please directly contact the number or email above if you have any question.

    For more information, please visit the official website (English version):http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/en/main.do
  • KAIST Undergraduate program Scholarship 2013, Daejeon, South Korea

    KAIST Undergraduate program Scholarship 2013 for New International Students
    KAIST provides full scholarship (tuition and fees) and monthly allowances for all admitted students who are not financially supported by government or organization. Monthly allowances will be around 200,000 ~ 350,000 KRW.
    Online Application Period:
    Mon, December 17th, 2012, 10:00 A.M. ~ Fri, May 3rd, 2013, 5:00 P.M.
  • GKS (Global Korea Scholarship) for Master students in Daejeon University, South Korea

    Daejeon University in South Korea is looking for bright Graduate students interested in learning Korean and pursuing their higher education in South Korea. This is scholarship program running by the Korean government.

    The deadline for application is 18th March, 2013. Below are some of the details covered in the Scholarship:
    1. Qualification
    a. Foreigners whose parents are both foreigners. Dual Citizen is not accepted.
    b. Students who have good both Physical and Mental Health. Must pass the Physical Examination (The prescript form provided).
    c. Under age of 40 by 1 Sep, 2013 (Born after 1 Sep 1973).
    d. By 31 Aug, 2013, Student must have Bachelor’s degree.
    - Disaccreditation when student does not earn the degree by 31 Aug, 2013
    - No student who was in Korean University or graduate Korean University in the past
    e. A minimum of 3.0/4.0 GPA, 80% out of 100% percentage, or equivalent grade.
    - If it is hard to submit GPA or Percentage transcript, submit certificate of rank (within 20% of top rank)
    f. Optional: Test of proficiency in Korean (TOPIK , KLPT) or in English (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS).
    2. Required Documents
    Required Documents: 1 Original and 3 Copies for each document by carrier. (see in the website)
    - Address: Hyehwa Cultural Center #409,Institute of International Affairs, Dajeon University, 300-716, Korea
    - Documents in languages other than Korean and English must be submitted with a notarized Korean translation.
    3. Notes
    - Student can apply only one university. Applicants who apply more than 1 institution are ruled out.
    - All submitted documents are not returned.
    - When the information is found to be false, admission will be revoked even after enrollment.
    - Copied documents need to get stamped or signed by the recommending institution.
    - Must be accurate in self-physical checkup list. The admission may be cancelled when a serious disease is found during physical examination which will be carried out after being announced as a successful candidate.
    - Submit Printed Thesis (1~2 copies)
    - Submit the copy of prize record (Notarized)
    - The applicant cannot change the university once the admission is confirmed.
    4. Contact Details
    a. Phone: +82 42 280 2767/ +82 42 280 2126/ +82 42 280 2489
    b. E-mail: iro2@dju.kr
    If you have any question regarding this subject, do not hesitate to contact e-mail:iro2@dju.kr
  • Undergraduate Transfer Admission for Spring 2013 in Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea

    Pusan National University (PNU) memberikan kesempatan kuliah S1 di PNUmelalui program transfer “Undergraduate Transfer Admission for International Students” untuk periode Spring 2013 tanpa beasiswa.
    Online Application Period: January 7 – 10, 2013
    Submission of Documents: January 8 – 14, 2013
    Notice of Eligibility Judgement: January 31, 2013
    Phone interview: February 7, 2013
    Publication of admitted applicants & Printout of Certificate of Admission: February 14, 2013
    Print-out of Tuition Bills: February 15, 2013
    Payment of Tuition Fees: February 18 – 21, 2013
    Keterangan mengenai jurusan, dokumen yang dikirimkan, besarnya uang SPP (tuition), persyaratan aplikan/pendaftar, dan lain-lain bisa didapatkan di pdf berikut: Undergraduate Transfer Admission Guidelines Spring 2013.
  • Master Scholarship in Computational Medicine Lab at Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, South Korea

    Computational Medicine Laboratory at Kumoh National Institute of Technology (www.kumoh.ac.kr), Korea cordially invites applications for graduate positions (Master’s degree). Students who want to explore exciting opportunities to conduct original research in a nationally funded Korean university are encouraged to apply.
    1. Research area: Biomedical Engineering
    -Developing electro-physiological model of heart
    -Cardiac simulation
    -Ventricular assistant device
    2. Student Requirements
    -Bachelor’s degree in IT, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, or other related field
    -GPA: min 80% from 4 scale
    -English score (TOEFL: min 550 or iBT: min 80 or IELTS: min 6.0)
    We support international cooperation with other countries to accelerate international researches. If anyone wants to join our departments and research activity, we will support their researches and studies through our lab fellowship or government programs which cover tuition fee and living expense.
    For further information, please send CV to these email addresses (before March 22nd, 2013):
    - Prof Ki Moo Lim –> kmlimphd@gmail.com
    Riski Imaniastuti–> r.imaniastuti@gmail.com
  • Panduan KGSP & KGSP-U

    Panduan Mengisi Formulir KGSP:
    1. Unduh (download) formulir di http://beasiswa.perpika.org/ (setiap semester link downloadberubah).
    2. Baca seluruh informasi dan keterangan yang ada disana.
    3. Diketik menggunakan komputer.READ MORE
  • Scholarship in Inje University, Gimhae, South Korea

    Scholarship (Beasiswa) di Inje University 1 November – 30 November 2012dibuka pendaftaran untuk Spring Semester 2013 untuk semua jurusan. Daftar jurusan bisa dilihat di http://www.inje.ac.kr/english/.
    Free tuition fee jika nilai TOEFL IBT>=75 atau TOEIC >=800. Jika skor di bawah yang telah tersebut, maka tuition fee cukup bayar 15% saja.
    Untuk file-file dan informasi lebih lengkap, silakan buka dilink https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwGzfCbTU9tUeVIzSWxUbVpqOTg/edit.
    Penawaran khusus untuk jurusan Health Science & Technology dan Computer Science (Medical Image Processing), tuition fee dan living cost dijamin olehprofesor. Jika tertarik atau ada pertanyaan yang ingin diajukan silakan menghubungi: Contact Person (link telah dihapus)
  • Scholarship for Master and Ph.D. Candidate in Ubiquitous Sensor Network Laboratory Pukyong National University Busan Korea

    Entry Requirements:
    • Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Science
    • CGPA: above 3.5/4.0, Good English (or Korean) Speaking
    • Above condition can be varied according to industrial experience and other certificates

    Research Areas:
    • Mobile (Smart Phone) Programming
    • U-Healthcare Technology based on Wireless Sensor Network
    • Remote Sensors and Sensing System, Ubiquitous Computing Application
    • Sensors and Automatic Control, Car Safety SystemREAD MORE
  • Beasiswa S2 & S3 University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea Selatan

    Ingin kuliah S2/S3 ke Korea, tapi masih pesimis karena nilai TOEFL masih belum bagus?
    Mungkin teman-teman bisa mencoba daftar di University of Ulsan, Korea Selatan. Syarat TOEFLnya tidak membebani karena minimal kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya (pilih salah satu):
    1. TOEFL PBT minimal 450
    2. TOEFL iBT minimal 40
    3. IELTS minimal 4.5
    4. TOEIC minimal 500

    Apa saja yang didapat?
    1. Tuition Fee 100%
    2. Living Cost bulanan dari supervisor
    3. Biaya2 untuk conference
    Tetapi beasiswa ini tidak menanggung:
    1. Entrance Fee, sekali bayar pertama kali masuk sebesar US$700
    2. Biaya pembuatan Visa
    3. Tiket Pesawat Indonesia-Korea
    Kalau teman-teman berminat dan ingin tanya-tanya bisa mengirimkan email ke:wahyono.doank@gmail.com
    Semua keterangan mengenai pilihan department,  qualification, language proficiency criteria, dan informasi lainnya silakan mengacu pada file yang dapat diunduh berikut:
  • Beasiswa S2, S3, Integrated S2-S3 ke Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea Selatan

    Chonnam National University kembali membuka pendaftaran research scholarship untuk periode Spring 2013.
    Research Scholarship student akan mendapatkan:
    1. Free tuition fee semester 1 dan 4. Jika ingin free tuition fee semester 2 dan 3 bisa mengajukan beasiswa academic excellence yang dikelola kampus.
    2. Free dormitory fee semester 1 (refund).
    3. Insentif dari profesor minimal 800.000 KRW.
    4. Free Korean class selama 4 bulan atau 2 tingkat.
    Semua keterangan mengenai timetable, eligibility, pilihan department, application fee, required documents, dan informasi lainnya silakan mengacu pada file yang dapat diunduh berikut:
    On-line Application: 2012, October 2nd ~ 26th, 9:30 AM to 17:00 PM